Tuesday, July 10, 2007

In memory of Tom the King

For more words than I can express

A moment in time our paths crossed

Our friendship blossomed because you care

Forever etched in my heart your memory

Today I have restricted my Windows Live Space for several reasons: 1. I seldom update it anymore--my last entry was July last year! 2. I found out my blogging friend Tom the King has passed away Sept. of last year...

How life is so precious. I met Tom through MSN Spaces about two years ago and he helped me much about the technical aspect of blogging: how to display words on a page, upload a picture, but most of all he taught me the real meaning of friendship.....all through the internet. Despite the age difference we had much in common: Honorable Chicago Cubs fan, beer enthusiastic and fellow man with a goal in mind. His goal was to attain the upmost powerful message by using his blog composing laws because he was King. MSN Spaces featured his blog....TWICE. Upon receiving the award the second time, he really felt it unfair and said, "Hell they should have given it to those who really deserved it...I really don't qualify a second time."

He was a man of purpose: He used his blog to foster friendships thoughout the world. Everyday many fellow bloggers would stop by his space to see what he had to say. Last year he finally met and married Jin Yu Yi (Rose) in China. They had met and fell in love through the internet.

Tom is an example of a man who lived his life to the fullest even til the very last minute. He passed into Heaven in his sleep.

I miss him already.

Go to his space http://ifiwereking.spaces.live.com/PersonalSpace.aspx?owner=1

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