Sunday, March 26, 2006

Why Crochet?

Many of my friends are in bewilderment when they find out that I crochet in my spare time. They think it's for old ladies on retirement. But they think twice when they see my creations and I see their eyes and mouths open up.
Crocheting is a very delicate past-time. I say this because not so many people can contain the passion to do something (not alone complete) a piece with just their bare hands, a hook and some yarn. And the other thing is TIME.
Crocheting has taught me patience, determination and creativity. Patience because not all projects run smoothly. What happens when we come to a point where we don't know what to do next in the design of patchwork or the layout of the trim? Then we are forced to use our creativity to complete it.
The rewards are unsurpassed. The satisifaction of accomplishing something gives a feeling of joy and much self-gratification. Most of my projects end up as presents for someone, so the rewards are timely unsurpassed.
I encourage people to learn crocheting if they're interested with one note of caution: must never give up.
Always be open minded to new ideas and keep learning. You may surprise yourself.


X-Evolutionist said...

Hi Sue!

I wanted to get another look at your beautiful crocheting.

Wanna see what I made?


Unknown said...

Dear x,
Lovely stuffed animals....i like the elecphant! Great job!

Skypaul said...

Long time no see!
How do U do?